Those metal pipes are the surprise in case you're wondering. Those thieves sure use their imagination to carry off their besi-buruk heist hahaha.
I looked down and what I saw made me feel slightly woozy because I fear heights.

And how the hell do they manage to put up this metal post which seems to sway with the slight gust of wind?

They climb slowly on this manmade shaft adding a metre tall of those metal post thingies before drilling it into the wall -_-
Nolah, they're not stealing besi buruk (er, translate to ugly metal in English? hahaha) but doing the slow, pain-staking, hot process of repainting the condo I live in. Those guys work at 9 am until 3-4 pm, with the sun burning their necks! One day it rained heavily, just barely a few hours after they painted and the paint ran and streaked the building so they had to repaint the entire building.

To those hardworking guys who will probably continue this kind of living for a few more good years, this post is for you (even if you'll never read it).