So it began with me waking up at 3 am, 3.45 a.m., 4.30 a.m., 5.15 a.m., 6.30 a.m. and 7.30 a.m. in the morning on the same day, finding myself needing to use the loo for number two or vomiting. I gave up sleep after 7.30 a.m. because it was too exhausting to wake up every 30 minutes. Plus, my mom was cooking fried rice in the kitchen so I went in there to help her.
Suffice to say, I kept using the loo every 30 minutes. I then spent the rest of the day in Times Square with Sheila and Dan, which was a fucking bloody mistake. Dan did his work in Starbucks Borders, whilst me and Sheila tried to help him find the definition of decreditation or some accounting term like that, in between playing checkers. I kept rushing off to the toilet every 20-30 minutes. I went like 6 times, I kid you not, because we were waiting for Hitman.
Sheila bought the ticket seating right smack dab in the middle (like middle row, middle seats) because I rushed off to the loo to do my business. I made sure I couldn't do number two anymore before the movie cause I didn't want to "excuse me excuse me soli soli need toilet" in the middle of the movie.
THANK GOD, THANK GOODNESS I didn't need to use the toilet during the movie. There was a moment when I thought I needed to, but I thought tahan yaa Juju and hahaha, I did. We sent Sheila back after the movie, and Dan bought me the most masin (saltiest) noodle soup in Kuala Lumpur. I had two spoonfuls and vomited it all out.
Today, my mom cooked some breakfast in the morning, including broccoli in oyster sauce (which I love so much). But after three mouthfuls, I was overwhelmed with a sudden fit to hurl everything. BOO. On the brighter side, though, I only needed to use the toilet twice today!
And I finally managed to eat a meal tonight without throwing up! So yay, I cometh victorious from my fight with food poisoning!
* ABOUT HITMAN. I'm going to sound like a girly fan right now and I couldn't give a damn because Timothy Olyphant aka Agent 47 IS THE SEXIEST MAN ALIIIVE. I was having orgasms every second throughout the show (okay, maybe not orgasms, but that was the most alive I have ever been for the 2 hours the movie was on or however long it was). And look at the signs, we are meant to be!
His name is Agent 47.
So what? You think. So special. Agent 69 better.
Au contraire.
4 stands for April, my birth month.
7 stands for Thursday, 7th of April, my birthday.
So. Agent 47. So-very-obviously, we're meant to be together. DUH.
Enough of italics. Anyway. A certain someone who's played the game thought the movie was very boring, not violent and bloody enough, but I thought it was good. I couldn't give a damn how far off it was from the original game because I've never played it, but I LOVED THE MOVIE!!. And not just because it has T-BAG OF PRISON BREAK FAME in it (we three along with some parts of the audience squealed when he came on) in it, but because it was damn good. Sure, it's an action movie executive-produced by Vin Diesel, but it has enough substance.
Lastly. How could you not love him??

(Even the back of his head is sexy, no ugly bumps)

(Ignore the girl with the guys make nice pets shirt, which I totally agree with BTW).
So worth holding the shit in for 2 hours and not going to the toilet. BWAHAHAHA.
Pictures from source#1 and source#2.