Get out of this place
While we still have time
- Jimmy Eat World; Work
Refering to the song above, it describes my life entirely - I'm always moving places, moving on, meeting new people, adapting to new lifestyles... it's not how I intended it to be, life's just that way. I've lived in London for 5 years, then moved back to my home-sweet-land-of-satay-home Malaysia, where I switched schools 3 times and after graduating I worked at 2 different places before heading off to university in another state.

(L - R)
(i)I recently started smoking; I'm not addicted to it but once in a while when I'm feeling anti-world I'll smoke a stick or two. Today has been a very bad day for me so I smoked 5-6 sticks. It's a bad habit, considering I used to be anti-smoking. (ii) My phone is one of my most treasured posessions; I can contact people, or listen to songs or take pictures, whatever. It's my link to my social life. (iii) I am a coffee addict - I must have a least 2 cups a day. I need my daily caffeine fix. (iv) I love Malaysia's OK! magazine - it's really cute and it's nice to curl up with a bar of chocolate during those unhappy days. (v) Finally - the laptop's not mine, just showing you that 30% of my online time is spent digging up gossip =( Again, it's a bad, time-wasting habit - who the hell cares though?
See I'm a very very bad person. I should be meditating more on the global, political issues, such as what's going on in Darfur? or trying to find out more about the whole American political system.. but you know what kinds of headlines catches my eye?

I have the whole HP collection - I'm a HP FREAK! For the past 3 books, I've been attending their midnight (or 7 am sale, morelike) opening on the 1st day of the book release. I'm sad that there will no longer be any Potter adventures, but apparently JK Rowling wants to write an encyclopedia on the characters... so hopefully... but I think I'll be 25 by the time it's published and released.

I love and live for music. I'm pretty much interested in anything and everything - Joy Division, Jay Chou, classical music, rn'b etc. I play the violin + piano... on-offish... hopefully when I have more time in the future I can pick up where I left it.. I dream of the day when I can have a pink grand piano, haha..
Oh, and I LOVE THE COLOUR PINK! I'm completely obsessed with it... it was never the trend thing to begin with, pink is always in. Mwahahaha.
Okay I'm done being narcisstic.