Wednesday, September 26, 2007
We have Anugerah Dekan event this Friday, 10.30 am, so I'm hoping we can go back straight after that... I don't know what to wear. I'll be fucking nervous as hell >__<
Eh I hope my turtles are okay. I've left them for 3 days, but my bro is feeding them (hopefully).
Saturday, September 22, 2007
A Moment Of Peace.

- Buy an air pump for my turtle-quarium. But it turns out I can't put it in yet because the current is too strong for my sliders to swim against. If they struggle too much, they can get exhausted and die. Also some anti-chlorine treatment thing. And some vacummed earthwormlings thingies which is too gross to mention but provides a scrumptious treat for Boba and Fett (ha! That idea just came into my head!). The bad news is everytime I want to feed it to them, I have to squish the thing against the turtle-quarium and little bits will float and the turtle-quarium gets messy.
- Bought softlan (finally!) for the house. Humm. I love the smell.
- Managed to do my psychology powerpoint woohoo.
- Managed to type another paragraph for the graphic essay.
- Bumped into Jerry from TGIF and had a conversation and he said yesss I can come back to work!
- Practiced MAGIC yayayayayayyyy.
- Buka puasa with Sarah! It was fun talking to her and catching up with her - daaaaamnn you with your straight hair and parallel-parking-driver you.
I am so fascinated with Boba and Fett. However I am trying to find a water heater for them if they are going to be a permanent fixture in my room because my dad hates them gracing their presence in the living room >__<>
Wahh I just realized I'm on a blogging roll - this will stop in a day or two when I return to Londonlenduland.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Mind your own damn business.
Me Dad, can I work during Hari Raya Aidilfitri?
Dad No
Me But they're paying double or triple... I get like RM 100 ++ for 8 hours of labour..
Dad I've given you enough freedom
Me Whaa?
Dad I may not give you the allowance you need, but I've given you more than enough freedom
Me I need the money!
Dad My friends have been talking about you.
Me Why is this about your friends?
Dad You wear shorts with your friendsla, and it's not good. It's too much freedom. I've put up with more than I should have given you. I give you too much room -
Me But it's not fair!
Dad No discussion. You're going back for raya. The end.
Fuck you you close-minded senior citizens. If you're not satisfied with me when you saw me in shorts, why not tegur? Why not tell it to my face? Why peck like chicken shit and report it to my dad? Think that smugness and satisfaction of telling my dad that I dedah aurat (reveal flesh) is better than honesty, is it? I would have appreciate it you telling me in front of my face, with your upfront honesty. Rather than shutting up and telling my father.
My father has no qualms; he does not mind me wearing shorts (as long as it's not supershortlah, my thighs are still elephant-thighs and I don't have the guts to wear shorts that barely cover my chubby ass). You expect me to wear jeans all the time? I knowlah you get some nice breeze in between your privates with that kain pelekat (thin cool fabric worn by men). You want to be prejudiced, now let me be prejudiced against you too.
RM300-400... gone... just like that. For three days I could have gotten a week's pay, and thrown away because I have too much freedom, because I have too much flesh, because I wear shorts and not jeans. You don't know how it's like, no money, no valuable paper to rustle in my fingers. Stupid interfering old man! Zaman mane punya otak, your daughter (if you have one or if you do have one)
Letting them know we're gonna stand our ground
So lift your hands high and wave them proud
Take a deep breath and say it loud,
Never can, never will
Can't hold us down
Before you want to start preaching to other people about their daughters, take a damn good look at yourself and ask yourself whether you are perfect. Do you puasa? Dah bayar zakat? Sembahyang jumaat tak setiap minggu? Pot calling the kettle black.
Hells yea I'm infuriated. The end.
On break.
"It’s no gay-bashing with me. It’s just, be proud of what you are, instead of hidin’ in the closet. And if ya fuck boys in the ass, then don’t be tryna fuck with the girls, too, poisoning the pussy population wit’ ya shitty ol’ dirty-ass dick."
Ha, such a contradicting and hypocritical statement! When I first read the two sentences I was like good, good then I was like whaaaa at the 3rd sentence. I was a little pissed off, but then I continued reading the interview and it got humorous.
'The only nigga I see [in Houston] goin’ to the mall by himself is Slim Thug. Other niggas, when I see ’em, they got bodyguards around ’em. How you gonna be scared of the neighborhood you supposed to be reppin’? All them [Houston rappers] that think they stars, guess what, bitch? Ain’t no stars down here. Only stars is in the muthafuckin’ sky!'
Such a classic quote (the one coloured in red). I should put it beneath my Bonny Hicks quote ahahahahaha. It continues when the interviewer asks the interviewee:
XXL reporter: So the only Houston rapper you’re acknowledging is Slim Thug?
Pimp C: I didn’t say that! I said, again, the only nigga I see at the mall by himself is Slim Thug. You magazine muthafuckas need to have more responsibility for what you write and put on your goddamn covers. I couldn’t get on a Source cover ’til I went to prison. I had to go to prison to get on the cover of yo funky-ass magazine?
The rest of the interview is fucking hilarious, where he even asks the interviewer whether he had ever sold drugs. Entertainment in print magazine is priceless, hahahaha. Check out the interview here.
Yesssss I am on page 3 of my essayyy. 856 words done, 4144 words left to go! I'm going to go insane.
Good time to have a checklist.
- Submit photocomm storyboard
Submit photocomm 7 pictures portfolio- Submit photocomm My Journey In Photography essay
Prepare for graphic group critic/critique/however elegant you want to spell itSubmit graphic flyersSubmit graphic Designing From My Perspective essay- Prepare public relations editorial for newspaper
- Prepare public relations group assignment
Prepare psychology group powerpoint presentation- Interview non-related person for journalism assignment
Prepare for co-curriculum practical and theory testOH and prepare for Magic pre-release Lorwyn.
X_____________X It will be a miracle if I can somehow survive all this and maintain DL*. I hope that my forgetful head will do all, one-by-one. I so need a laptop, else I have to trudge 10 minutes in the hot heat to the library.
Ooh, on other joyous notes, I got me a pair of turtles!! I didn't really get it for me, it was more like a present to shut me up. They're so adorable, I have yet to decide on a name. The stupid worker who was handling my turtles in the shop dropped one of it a good 1 metre onto solid concrete floor and tried to cover it up, thinking I didn't see the fall.
Me: You DROPPED it? (eyes bulging, Gollum-like).
Him: Uhh, ahh, ehrmm...
I proceeded to inspect it and thankfully it aggresively tried to wriggle here and there- a good sign that it's healthy.
Me: Hrmm... hrmm... okayy...
And 2 days later (now) they're both happily swimming or basking on top of the fake rock. They're so cute. My dad's pissed off because he doesn't like any creature except for my younger sibling, Rayan. I just hope they don't die. That would be sad and pathetic, I spent around RM 20 for the fake rock. Hahah, no, I wouldn't lament for the waste of the fake rocks, I just adore turtles. I had turtles before and then they got super fat in the fastest amount of time and my mom (who bought it for me) told me to chuck them in a lake or something.
I wonder what happened to those three turtles. Are they still alive?
And now I'm addicted to facebookleh. It's a MUST! The thing is damn fascinating, I find it more fun than friendster or myspace BWAHAHAHA.
* off to open ms word to try and complete graphic essay, then will proceed to scratch head, before making a cup of coffee and spend the next 2-3 hours aimlessly surfing facebook after typing Designing From My Perspective by Junee in ms word.
Scratch THAT. I penat and ngantuk and nak tidur. I don't think I will be puasa-ing tomorrow (damn I'm so honest, sorokx2 makan ayamas kakakaka).
(*Dean's List. Is a must. Parents have drilled that into my head. No pressure. BLAH.)
Monday, September 10, 2007
And I have only RM 0.20 left with me. That's 20 cents. o_o
I have to figure out a way as in how I'm going to make it back to KL this weekend... >__<
Monday, September 3, 2007
It was a careless honest mistake.
* * * * * * *
"With acting, the mystique is what’s amazing. I love that it’s magic, that's the whole point. The whole celebrity thing is not magic. They’re real people proving they’re sluttier than everybody else because they don’t even wear knickers." - Keira Knightley ahahaha. I love Britney but I couldn't help laughing at this comment.
Why do I never post anything substantial. I'm in my graphic class right now, we're studying things I've practiced and done when I was 15. So I'm surfing and looking at clothes at selltrade_kl, I wish I had a lot of money so I can spend at coach or gucci or bcbg and hand the plastic without guilt -_-